Corporate Details

Bholat-Safeguards Co. Ltd.

Bholat-Safeguards Co. Ltd.

Company Name : Bholat-Safeguards Co. Ltd.
Representative    : Mr. S P Sivalinggam
Position                  : Country Manager
Address                 : Corner of Pyay Rd & Parami Rd,

11061 Mayangone Township,

Yangon, Myanmar.

 Email                           :,
Mobile                   : +959 76710726


Company Profile & Business Scope


Our company under the Safeguard Group specialized in Guarding Services and we operate in South East Asia in countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. In 2022 we will be opening in Philippines, Indonesia and Laos. Under Safeguard Group, we provide experienced well-trained guards for various industries and international bodies. In Myanmar, we are in the market for more than 07 years since 2014. With our branding and values our customers continued to support us as the best choice as security provider. Your business is our business in providing Physical & System Security.


Product & Service for Myanmar

  • Guarding Services
  • Total Cleaning Services
  • Electronic Security System